Private Course
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Responsible College-24
Last Update 07/26/2024
Completion Time 2 hours 44 minutes
Members 1
Communication Medical
    • Preview
    • Quick Start
    • The Power of Workshops
    • Course
    • Defining Your Presentation Objective
    • How to Structure Your Presentation
    • Working With Visual Aids
    • Visual Aid Design
    • Presenting Data
    • Practicing Your Presentation
    • Improving Your Presentation
    • Coping With Presentation Nerves
    • Dealing With Questions
    • Summary

Creating and Delivering Business Presentations

Course Description:

Learn how to create and deliver impactful business presentations that engage your audience and drive action. This course covers the entire presentation process, from defining objectives and structuring content to designing visual aids, practicing delivery, and handling audience questions.

Learning Content:

  • Defining presentation objectives
  • Structuring presentations effectively
  • Creating and designing visual aids
  • Presenting data clearly
  • Practicing and improving presentations
  • Managing presentation nerves
  • Handling audience questions


The course is based on the theory that successful presentations require careful planning, structured content, engaging visuals, ample practice, and confident delivery. It emphasizes the importance of audience-focused presentations that provide clear value and actionable takeaways.


By the end of this course, learners will be able to create well-structured, visually appealing presentations and deliver them with confidence, effectively engaging their audience and achieving their communication objectives.


Participants will gain essential skills to create more impactful business presentations, helping them to better inform, persuade, and inspire their audiences. These skills can lead to improved communication effectiveness, increased influence in professional settings, and greater success in achieving business objectives through presentations.