Daniel Avram

Daniel Avram is an experienced professional with expertise in wood house construction (Swiss style), project management, Sketchup design, Python & Livecode basics. He has a proven track record of successfully managing construction projects and negotiating with authorities to ensure compliance with  Romanian regulations. 

Razvan Daniel Pais

Razvan received a Pedagogy degree in 2014 and a master's degree in Computer Science in 2016. He is currently head of an IT department in a medium size organization. His experiences range from developing mobile Windows and Mac applications to Odoo support and graphic services.

Christian Kanteng

E-Learning Administrator
5 Years experience using Odoo, Moodle, and 5HP. Administration of Linux server and company staff trainer. Basic Adobe Illustrators knowledge. Fluent in French, English, Romania, Swahili, Lingala

Fidelis Chakanyuka

Fidelis holds a bachelor's and master's degree in Finance. He has experience in micro and macro economics. Fidelis has working experience in implementation of management and accounting software. He is fluent in English and Romanian language. Currently he is studying French Language.

Diana Denis Fiera

Naomi Pais Md

Naomi graduated University of Medicine and Pharmacy in 2021. She is currently working as a resident doctor in the Department of internal medicine in the Hospital SCJU Craiova nr.1. Her medical experience includes consulting the patient: anamnesis, examination, recommendation of medical analysis, possible diagnosis, and initiation of treatment, basic life support skills, basic knowledge of nurse.

Michaela Nydegger Dipl. Pflegefachfrau HF, RAI Expert
